Friday, December 21, 2007

How can I be sick at Christmas

well that's an easy answer, UTI....ew gross, I can't believe I woke up with this yesterday. So off the doctor's and they said the test came back positive instantaneously. UGH, off to the pharmacy to get the drugs and some relief possibly? No, 1-2 hour wait....wth is going on, is everyone that sick at Christmas!!! So I go home and wait the required 2 hours, back to the store and now I have meds. Two doses in and no relief yet but hopefully soon. I am so uncomfortable it's unreal. So now tonight will be another early night in bed and hopefully relief will be in the form of being able to go to the bathroom like a regular person!!

Tonight my gf and I are exchanging our gifts. It's the only night her son is home until sometime next week. One - this is a good thing he'll be gone....two - I wasn't sure when we were going to get to it. Tomorrow we have a christmas party with my honey and then the rest of the weekend we relax, enjoy ourselves. Of course he's off of work till Wed, but not me...I'm in here bright and early Monday morning...GAH!!! It's the worst time of year to work in the liquor

Sunday is supposed to rain, AGAIN, I didn't realize I lived in the Pacific Northwest, I feel like every weekend we have rain, well yes we have or snow, or sleet for the past um.....5 let's just make it an even 6. Can you see the snarkiness and tell I'm sick and tired of rain....I just need to see the sun!! A little...please.

So I'm off to work, or try to pretend I'm working....enjoy

1 comment:

Susy said...

Oh Michelle, I'm so sorry you got the crud. Take care of you and hope soon your feeling like you again. Merry Christmas to a great internet support friend! I've enjoyed your blogs and thanks for shaing your journey. Happy New Year too! :) Susy