Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I need some sleep.........

I don't want to say the time difference is killing me, but darn I am so tired. I get up early every morning for work, conditioned, programmed or just happens I do, no matter what happens the night before. Last night my day ended at 12:46a.m. Tuesday, I got up as normal, 5:40am tuesday, hence lack of proper sleep. I come home at the end of each work day and force myself to cook dinner before I drop dead on the couch. Tonight, 1 hr 45 min and I'm still exhausted. I am definitely ready for bed now and have so much to do I don't want to sleep :(

4 more days and he's home with me, and I can't wait, just to be in the same state and 10 min down the road. Sleep will come in the form of a peaceful ahhhhhhhh.....

So now I will try to find some motivation and feel somewhat accomplished.......

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