Sunday, March 01, 2009


and I woke up to a coating of was pretty but then when I turned on the TV well they said we are in for a winter storm tonight, 6-14" of course I'm in the middle of this range so I'm thinking 10" for us...ick!

Yesterday was a bust, I spent most of the day on the couch, napping and still got a full night of sleep, it was good. I feel a bit better today and have lots to do to get caught up on wash and cleaning. Of course tomorrow we have our big kickoff so I need to find something appropriate to wear! and it be versatile in the snow too! lol

My friend Susy wrote a blog last week about transfer addictions. This is something that comes up time and time again with WLS patients. Myself included has succumbed to this due to the fact that food is not our comfort in times of stress...I am not quite ready to put it all out there, but it's been on my mind, and to read her blog, well it has me thinking. I am getting closer, it's a tough love, to lose the food...almost like an alcholic or drug addict getting some help. It's a hard road and the decisions we chose are not always the healthiest for us! So not to be hiding behind the curtains (but I am for right now) I'm just going to have to think how I want to get this out there!

1 comment:

Susy said...

I would always love to learn from you my friend. So when your ready to share I'd love to listen and learn. Our blogs have been my support, friend and a great outlet for myself. It has been rough sometimes and a few times I have even got upset cause I can't eat a lot. I am a fat girl living in a skinny body and it's all so amazing, strange, weird, rewarding...lots of emotions. But like you- I'm moving forward!

Have a great Monday Michelle!