Thursday, June 11, 2009

A day of mixed emotions....

today I woke up not feeling so great. In fact my youngest has caught a pretty darn nasty cold and he wants his mom to snuggle with last night so I was feeling a bit achy and tired myself. Off to bed early I went. This a.m. I woke up sinus' draining and the weather crappy. I almost wonder when we will ever see the sun again! Off to work, and still feeling rather down, my guy (bless his soul) totally picked up on that via text (even though I said I was great) lol liar!! He called me, not once, but twice. Talk about a ray of sunshine in my day. I still am feeling a bit under the weather but it was nice to talk with him on the phone instead of just via text! I am totally falling for him, and the distance seems to have brought us closer together instead of further apart!

Next Saturday he comes home. I had weekend plans this weekend coming but we needed to cancel. There was a very good reason indeed, but it leaves me without a thing to do. Of course there is always laundry, cleaning and all that fun stuff. But I was thinking maybe a weekend down at the beach would do me some good right about now. Get my mind off the fact that I will have a whole new week still without him, plus who can resist hanging out with mom for the

So, I have to think about it, see how much I can accomplish tonight, before our "date" and then make my decision. I can always go down later tomorrow night too or early Saturday morning! we'll see how I feel I guess.....

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