Friday, December 29, 2006

Almost the new year

Alot of self reflection and promises are made this time of year. I will lose 5 lb, I will exercise, I will eat better. We've all heard them and resoluted a few now and again, but do you ever get anywhere really with them. Three weeks into January, you've had a piece of cake or you've missed the gym twice that week, you've picked up the bag of chips because there were only a few left. We've all been there done that. Not this year, no resolutions for me. I'm on my way to a healthier body and lifestyle eating so that's done.....just to continue my progress and enjoy the new year.

2006 was filled with alot of ups and downs in our family as usual. They best was watching my oldest son receive a varsity letter in football and him receiving his junior class ring. My youngest was winning the bowling championship for a second year in April. So time fleets us all, getting quicker and quicker with each passing year. The next year proves to be a doozy, I will have a senior in high school and a 7th grader. Where does the time go, I remember the day each of them were born!

Hope everyone enjoys the New Year and happiness, health and peace to all!


Friday, December 22, 2006

Christmas is upon us.....

So after hoping and praying all week that the check would come early, lo and behold nope! It will be here tomorrow, late with our mail, so I will be out tomorrow night until I drop or get done quick. HA!!

I've tried reinforcing with my children the true meaning of Christmas is not about toys, material objects or anything of that nature. The true meaning to me is peace, getting along with everyone all year round not just at the holidays. It's sad every year as I shop and everyone is so nice (well almost everyone) and then as soon as it's over they are all devils again. I wish for once people would just be able to get along, it would mean the world to me and I'm sure alot of other's out there.

So I sign off until after Christmas. Happy holidays, enjoy your family however big or small and count your blessings. It's the greatest gift you have on earth!


Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Christmas Stress

So last night I go home with the intentions of writing out cards for co-workers and putting up the garland to hang the stockings (no fireplace) and low and behold I'm off to the store to pickup a few items, watch a little tv with the younger boy and off to bed early, I'm dang tired.

So much for getting anything done! hmmm then to top it all off, I missed my support group meeting, totally blew my mind until this a.m. when I check my calender book. I'm such a blonde somedays that it's a wonder that I manage.

Anyhow, waiting for the last of the $$ to buy gifts and guess when it's coming? Saturday in the mail, which is generally around 3pm. Suffice to say I'll be out there till I drop or get it all finished Sat night. sigh not the way I wanted to walk into my Christmas weekend. We are due at dad's on Sunday at 4pm, salad in hand. Hopefully I don't forget to buy what I need as salad does a number on my gas....not a pretty picture. I also need to figure out when I'm wrapping. Probably Friday night and Sunday a.m. hmmm

So goes the day, work is slowing down for me finally, although i do have alot to accomplish to take over all the buying responsibilities on 1/1/07. I can't wait though, I love a good challenge.

Now to figure out what to do New Year's Eve since the request was made today for us to do something. It never ends does it


Tuesday, December 19, 2006

The countdown is on.....

For all of us out there that have not been counting we are looming ever so closely in on the Christmas holiday. HA thought I was telling you something you didn't know. wrong!! I still have not had the motivation to go out and get the last few gifts. I will probably, actually most likely be one of those crazy people out there this Sat. Sigh.....then that actually leaves little time to wrap anything. I'm just totally not motivated this year like I thought I may be.

If you happen to read my blog, please leave a comment....I'm sure this goes unread for the most part, which is fine.....but just was wondering.


Monday, December 18, 2006

Bad Day on Sunday

I had a great weekend until about 6pm on Sunday evening. We had gotten some King Crab legs steamed and brought home from the grocery, they were delicious and about 5 min after eating I got searing pains in my stomach and a few hours later lost it all. D also got sick, but his was in another form (sorry TMI) needless to say it put a damper on the end of our weekend.

Saturday was fruitful as far as Christmas shopping goes, I had gotten all but one item on my list, which was great for me. I figured between the crowds and the late date that I would not get nearly any of the items. Soundly Sunday morning I scanned the ads and low and behold the last item was there on sale. Zipped over to the store and got the last one. It feels good to have gifts for my kids. Now the extended and immediate family and I'm done.

This a.m. I weighed in for my first monthly weigh in. Proud to say that I am down 29lb for the month since surgery. What a great accomplishment. I will post pics later. Also, the inches are melting away. What a great thing this is.....Singing and dancing around.

All in all a great weekend


Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Happy Days

It seems that this WLS has been a blessing in disguise for me. I've not had any of the "side effects" that alot of people who do not follow the program get!! But I won't say there aren't times that I've filled up to the brim, uncomfortable is the only word that can describe that and patience on my part to let it digest and pass through without adding extra liquids down there to overfill! I sleep soundly every night (used to snore), I have no knee pain (have had a partial knee replacement), have more energy, need to exercise more (hopefully that will come). But overall I'd say yeah!! Yesterday I'm down 25lb. so that is a huge milestone for me.

Am wearing clothing I'm digging out of my closet, need to go through and see what else fits as I have not enough time in the a.m. to do this properly and still be on time for work.

The sad news, Christmas is all decorated at the house but not one present has been purchased yet, hopefully this weekend, cripes I only have two more and then I'm out of luck!! Kids have been keeping me busy on the weekends so it's no wonder I don't have time.

No griping, have a great day!


Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Two days in a row.........

Wow am I on a roll or what.....

I saw this on another blog and thought it to be quite here goes:

[ RED ]1. Closest red thing to you? My shirt today....
2. Has anyone ever cheated on you in a relationship? Yes, although I have to admit I've historically been the cheater, not the cheatee.
3. Last thing to make you angry? hmmm probably something stupid the kids did
4. Are you a fan of romance? Big time...I love a good romance movie too
5. Have you ever been in love? Yes
6. Do you have a temper? God yes. I manage to keep it in check most of the time, but once I lose it, look out.

1. Closest green thing to you? Various plants in the office
2. Do you care about the environment? I do but not enough to do much more than recycle and not litter.
3. Are you jealous of anyone right now? I can't think of anyone.
4. Are you a lucky person? At times. I'm a firm believer we make our own luck though, so I think it's more persistance than luck.
5. Do you always want what you can't have? Usually. It's a long standing case of "Is that all there is??". I can manage to get past it most of the time.
6. Are you Irish? no

1. Last purple thing you saw? well probably the file folder in my bond lot.
2. Like being treated to expensive things? Does anyone really answer no to this? Not like I expect them but come on, let's get real.
3. Do you like mysterious things? Not sure how to answer this. I guess so, because I like to be surprised.
4. Favorite type of chocolate? I love dark chocolate...hopefuly I'll be able to have some now and again once again.
5. Ever met anyone in royalty? No.
6. Are you creative? I can be. I go through phases.
7. Are you lonely? No. I was for years, however.

1. Closest yellow thing to you? Post it notes lol
2. The happiest time(s) of your life? when the kids were born
3. Favorite holiday? Halloween or Christmas it's a toss up
4. Are you a coward? No - but I will freely admit I do not like confrontation with those that I love.
5. Do you burn or tan? Burn, then tan, but mostly burn
6. Do you want children? No more, I'll happily wait quite afew years now for grandkids
7. What makes you happy? Leaves turning in fall. A fresh snowfall before it has been disturbed. Fireworks in the summer. A trip to the ocean (I love the ocean). Camping out in the wilderness.

[ BLUE ]
1. Closest blue thing to you? Again the folder thing. lol
2. Are you good at calming people down? I think so.
3. Do you like the ocean? Absolutely, hoping to retire there.
4. What was the last thing that made you cry? DH
5. Are you a logical thinker? Yes, I can be. Can't say it always happens.
6. Can you sleep easily? Ridiculously easy, can sleep just about anywhere. However, once I'm up, I'm up, regardless of how early it may be.
7. Do you prefer the beach or the woods? The beach.

[ PINK ]

1. Closest pink thing to you? um, nothing I can see
2. Do you like sweet things?yes
3. Like play-fighting? nope
4. Are you sensitive? Very much so.
5. Do you like punk music? No!!
6. What is your favourite flower? Calla Lillies
7. Does someone have a crush on you? I don't think so.

1. Closest orange thing to you? My drinking mug
2. Do you like to burn things?no
3. Dress up for Halloween? Never
4. Are you usually a warm-hearted person? Yes.
5. Do you prefer the single life or the security of a relationship? Not sure I do single very well.
6. What would your super power be? hmmm that's an interesting question that I have no answer for....

1. Closest white thing to you? Papers and more papers
2. Would you say you're innocent? Not at all.
3. Always try to keep the peace? Most of the time, see conflict avoidance above.
4. How do you imagine your wedding? It was quiet and nice.
5. Do you like to play in the snow? Yes
6. Are you afraid of going to the doctors or dentist? No
7. Do you have Attention Deficit Disorder(A.D.D)? I would venture to say yes even though it's undiagnosed

1. Closest black thing to you? Computer monitor
2. Ever enjoy hurting people? No
3. Are you sophisticated or silly? Have to be silly
5. Do you have a lot of secrets? I try not to have too many. Still a few lurking out there and I'll take them to my grave.
6. What is your favorite colour(s)? Black, pink and red
7. Does the colour you wear affect your mood? Not really.

Monday, December 11, 2006

I'm a blog slacker

in the biggest way I know. There is no excuse either because I was off from work until last Friday!! Anyhow, I went for my 2 1/2 week checkup, 20lb gone forever. The weight is slowly or rapidly however you feel getting off!! yeah I'm wearing clothes I haven't worn in years, that's a great feeling.

Had a good weekend, Eagles won, Saints demolished the Cowboys, and the Bears play tonight!! Good luck Bears. Next week is the big one, Eagles/Giants, to determine the wildcard, they are tied so we are down to the wire!

I'm all decorated for Christmas but no shopping is done as of yet, of course as usual it will be a last minute affair for me. I hate waiting but have no choice this year. Of course dh is laid off, since the night of surgery, bad timing but he's getting a good unemployment from PA vs DE so that's not too shabby, of course the bad thing you have to wait two weeks to get it! Always something.

Well that's about it for today....


Friday, December 01, 2006

OMG what a ride

I had my surgery on 11/20, what a great success and an utter failure all at the same time. I had a great success in getting up and moving around immediately, the failure was at the darn gastrobyplex the next day, ugh, natious and everything else, it was truly horrible. I haven't taken any pain meds, want to get back to work now and am truly happy with my decision to go through with it. I've lost about 15 lbs so far, not to shabby for about 10days out I think, saw my primary care yesterday and am doing great. The biggest thing for me so far is trying on some clothing I haven't worn in a bit and it fits!! what great joy that brings me!

I will try to keep up more, have to finish decorating for Christmas now.
